Victoria Falls is an amazing town! People are smiling and friendly, wild animals wander freely in, the residence was beautiful, and the volunteers were awesome!
Work with the lions is enjoyable, rewarding, and not too difficult. In addition to volunteering with lions the volunteers also participate in education and research: performing studies on animals (including reptiles, insects, and more), researching plant ecology around the area and their roles in the local community, and studying the history and language of the region. The atmosphere was easy-going and relaxed. The studies are a way to practice and learn, which is really helpful. The lions are absolutely fascinating (more like large kitties) and you just get attached to them and the qualities that distinguish each and every one.
There is an abundance of fruit, vegetables, and meat so you definitely cannot starve there: three large meals and snacks all day. If you missed a meal, the staff will save more for you so spend extra money on food, although it is very cheap there.
Volunteers very loved there and easily blend into the community. The biggest missed opportunity for me is that I couldn’t see all of Zimbabwe in the five weeks that I was there, although during the project we have the option to travel around the country and even organize a trip with other volunteers.
Great fun to live there, and I highly recommend it! Definitely the experience of a lifetime.