Marine and Coral Reef Conservation

Top-rated by thousands of volunteer alumni, GoEco offers award-winning marine conservation programs worlwide! Learn to dive by becoming PADI Open Water certified, or enhance your current dive skills while contributing to the conservation of underwater ecoystsems. Ocean covers about 71 percent of the earth’s surface. These waters are so vast, mysterious and essential to the existence of life, yet become more and more polluted by human activity every year. The rise in atmospheric temperat.... Read more

Journey to the beautiful Pacific beaches of the Osa Penisula to volunteer for sea turtles. By protecting 8km of beach, the project contributes significantly to the registration of over 7000 nests per season. Volunteers play a crucial role in this grassroots project, contributing to both turtle conservation and community development.



Scuba dive into the beautiful waters of the Spanish Mediterranean to help clean up pollutants that threaten local marine life. Experience Barcelona’s unique culture and spend your days diving and protecting nature in one of the world’s most beautiful places.